Making a Bigger Impact with Less for Investors in the UK & USA

Who is Rick Otton?

He’s a legendary figure in the world of real estate, the innovator of many new normals, with over four decades of experience under his belt. He’s written best-selling books, is registered in Australia’s national archives, is Australia’s highest-paid speaker, pioneered the game-changing concept of We Buy Houses worldwide including non-English speaking and foreign legal domains, introduced creative finance for asset acquisitions in Asia, a nontraditionalist, total maverick that takes on the establishment pioneering change.

Welcome to the engaging inspiring and thought-provoking world of Rick Otton and an introduction to creative real estate approaches wrapped up in his decades of subliminal science mastery and marketing.

Rick Otton made a name for himself challenging traditional norms and, occasionally upsetting the establishment with his innovative solutions, developed a worldwide tribe of dedicated forward thinkers. From creative financing to out-of-the-box negotiation tactics, his conventions, events, and interviews provide a deep dive into the subliminal marketing techniques that have made him a breath of fresh air and a trailblazer in his field.

“Rick Otton doesn’t just teach a property strategy but teaches you how to change everything in the surrounding environment in order for the strategy to happen”. Alex Hickman, Property Investor, Birmingham  UK   

 Working with Rick:

  • experience a new world, deep below conscious awareness up close that has buyers & sellers just wanting to say yes, 
  • orchestrated and mapped physical movement, advanced use of nonverbal communication so sellers pick you and say yes
  • The GPS for human territories and zones creates a safe zone for potential customers to make yes decisions today 
  • how to control environmental  anxiety in buyers & sellers and the language map that dictates Brain outputs so they say yes
  • Implant influential thought patterns that lead to more profitable real estate outcomes. 

To grow your business, click here and join my community if you’re in the UK or USA, it’s full of free stuff, you will love it.  Click Here

Who is Rick Otton?…

In 1989, Rick Otton started his property business, “We Buy Houses,” in Dallas. This brand quickly spread worldwide, making Otton the pioneer in creating a new normal with innovative ways to solve property problems in different parts of the world like Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Canada, Spain, Greece, and Asia.

This was not surprising as prior, Otton had

  • acknowledged contributor to the original books “Body Language” and “Talk Language” selling over 15,000,000 copies.
  • Lifetime mastery in Subliminal Sciences
  • Trained over 35,000 over 35 years. 

” Watching Rick was like watching Michelangelo sculpt” Allan, building contractor, Belfast 2023

Rick Otton’s knack for overcoming obstacles and finding innovative solutions defy convention and attracts forward thinkers. If you’re in the USA or UK his community details to join are below, also buy this book along the way as no other book is like it 🙂 

The only book you’ll ever need

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Click Below if you’d like to stay connected with smarter friends 

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